Corvette toy car
With CSS styles you have great flexibility and control of the exact page appearance.
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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a collection of formatting rules which control the appearance of content in a web page. With CSS styles you have great flexibility and control of the exact page appearance, from precise positioning of layout to specific fonts and styles.

CSS styles let you control many properties that cannot be controlled using HTML alone. For example, you can assign custom list bullets and specify different font sizes and units (pixels, points, and so on). By using CSS styles and setting font sizes in pixels.

You can ensure a more consistent treatment of your page layout and appearance in multiple browsers. In addition to text formatting, you can control the format and positioning of a block-level elements in a web page.

You can ensure a more consistent treatment of your page layout and appearance in multiple browsers. In addition to text formatting, you can control the format and positioning of a block-level elements in a web page.